Winter Submissions Now Open
Share your unique voice with us and let your story shine through.
No Agent Needed
Submit your manuscript directly to us without the need for an agent or intermediary. We do not require someone to do the work for you, we gladly take works directly from the author. We also take unfinished or previously self-published works. If you are interested in what we have to offer, simply submit your work today, and we'll be back with you within sixty days! Please be patient, as we do get quite a few submissions.
Your Vision Matters
We respect your creative vision and aim to publish your work as you intended it to be. We promise that your manuscript will never be altered without your approval. Any changes to your work will be your own, and no one else's. We do offer developmental editing to help authors put their best work forward, though all editing is done with the author's vision in mind and never without their participation in the process.
Share your unique voice and vision with us today!
Genre Acceptance Times
We accept almost all genres during different seasons of the year. If you are interesting in submitting, please note the months that submissions are open for the genre you have written. If your book is in more than one genre, please choose the genre that is the most relevant to the book. Please note this list may change at any time. There is a limit to the number of submissions for each season, so if we reach that limit, submissions will be closed until the start of the next season.
Spring Submissions: March - May
Children's Books
Holiday Novels
Non Fiction
Cook Books
Winter Submissions: December - February
Fantasy (all sub-genres)
Science Fiction (all sub-genres)
Paranormal (Romantic and Non)
Romance (All sub-genres)
Summer Submissions: June - August
Fall Submissions: September - November
Submitting to Phoenix Voices Publishing is easy!
What do you need to do to submit? Here are all the details!
What can you submit?
During each season, we accept different genres. Please see the above chart for more information on when to submit your book. Any level of spice from none all the way up to erotica is acceptable in any genre!
Novels should be a minimum of 50,000 words (30,000 completed minimum at submission)
Novellas may also be submitted but need to be at least 15,000 words.
Note: Novellas that do not meet the minimum formatted page count of 100 will NOT have a print book made due to printing restrictions.
Formatting your submission:
All your chapters must be in one document divided into chapters, with each chapter starting on a new page.
Your submission must be in word compatible format (.doc or .docx ONLY).
Please name your files as follows: author name_book title_what the file is. For example, if John Smith submitted a book called My Book, he would name the file Smith_My Book_Manuscript, and the same for other items he submits.
The submission must be in 12 point font, Times New Roman, Aptos, or Calibre.
The submission should have clearly labeled chapters with the chapter heading in 14 point font and bolded.
Chapter titles or subheadings should be in 12 point font and bolded.
Spacing should be single space with a 12 point space between paragraphs.
Scene breaks should be indicated by three asterisks (***).
You do not have to number or apply headers/footers to your work, but if you do, you may put your last name and the page number.
Do not include front of back matter as that is acquired after submission.
Ready to submit?
Simply click the button below to go to the form which will take all the required information from you!
Please allow a maximum of ninety days for response.